Monday, January 29, 2007

I Have No Dream

I have no dream of peace, love or happiness
I have no wish to hold in this utter darkness
I have no time to waste on wanting
I am past fear and past caring
I have no dream
That’s my only regret
I have no realm
That is left to forget
I’m but a shell of what I should be
My answer is to be and somehow not be

Song of the Lost

Monday, January 08, 2007

Immortal lands

In the irrational turmoil, fruit of our innumerable passions, resides sometimes unexpected calmness. Its serene nature comes from the same certainties which defy the understanding of human knowledge. A long time I wandered, my life an insoluble riddle. I sometimes loved, my heart suffering thousand deaths.
However nothing was worse than the moment of total detachment, where the only feeling was utter numbness. At this moment lost in the infinity of time, suspended as the base of any inexistence, I wished with all my heart to know again the immortal lands of love…

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Has all love vanished from your heart?
Has your conscience been utterly extinguished?
Is betrayal what you ultimately wished?
How can you look at yourself without feeling any hurt?
There are many things I wonder about
And all questions remain unanswered
My beliefs waver now with doubt
While it is red tears that my eyes shed
Nonetheless I just can’t forget
I grieve for your remembrance lost
For the kind man who you once was
God forgive this one who is past regret
Make him remember the gentleness in heart
Let him be reborn to the Elohim

Monday, January 01, 2007

She wasn’t pretty but kind of heart

She wasn’t pretty but kind of heart
Wasn’t interested, neither was I, still it hurts
The moon looming over our heads
We parted, tears threatening to burst