Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I love words…
It is said
There was only that in the beginning
Words dancing, words spinning
Joyful, playful, cute little words
Singing words in the Great One, imagining
I love words…
With them I can convey
Much more than I could say
Genuine are the feelings described
Cause the truth takes time
And I have that with words
I can’t really inadvertently hurt with them
Weighing them carefully
They follow cheerfully
The path of my thoughts
Always in the wake
They know well my heart
Much better than my tongue ever will
Sad words, painful words, whispering words
They sing of my never found lost love
Better than my hands they know Her
From hair to nails
Engraved in them is the sweetness of her voice
The alien heat of her flesh
The stark beauty that emanate from Her
In a shimmering glory
Shining, iridescent words
Yet, sometimes, even they fail Her
Or in truth, I fail to find them for Her
Words everlasting
In a perpetual stream
Like, with no end or beginning, a dream
Outlasting the last universe’s atom
Words interlaced, words entwined
Words weaved in a gigantic and unique tapestry
I can see them sometimes
My eyes filled with awe
Dancing the never-ending story of the Verb
And it is with an aching heart and streaming tears
That I bid them: “farewell ô my gentle friends”

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