Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stop Loss

The days of youth feel like a place utterly lost and gone forever. Time when we could live a thousand and one adventures in twenty four hours, when we didn’t exactly need words to understand each other, when we weren’t afraid to feel acutely each single instant of our lives. Before Loss, in its many guises, took its toll and made us into who we are now. Dead to ourselves and to the music of the world. How I long to again just be and feel and live free of all fears...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chemins de l'Aube Up and running again...

I'm just glad to announce that the website of my upcoming book house is up and running again.
This is a new beginning for this big project of mine. And am I just optimistic or do I see success round the corner?

Wait and see and visit us if you will :

Thursday, February 26, 2009

HAVOC synopsis

I've been poundering on the outcome of this story and I think that I've reach something here.
Before continuing the process of writing, I will this time outline all the plot first.
So stay tuned for more news...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I miss her

I miss her

The flavour of her tong

The tenderness of her smile

The softness of her skin

Her sweet perfume

I miss her so much

I miss her a lot

And I hurt

She is just miles away

And it seems another realm

How have we become so close?

When did she find the way to my heart?

My best friend

My love

My redemption

My damnation

My love

My everything

How can I fill this void?

How can I still go on?

It hurt

It’s sweet

It’s ecstasy

Entranced, I hope to find her again

Thinking about her is bittersweet

Better yet than remembrance lost

I shall find you again beloved

Friday, August 31, 2007

She shot me down

I'm just so grateful to Sir Hannibal. Thanks to his ever amazing talent, I was inspired to write this short note down. Hope you'll enjoy it. And be sure to pay a little visit to my fellow artist’s page by clicking on the picture...
See you soon folks, I hope to update Noveling Life more regularly from now on ^_^

Shot me once with her eye

Shot me twice with her heart
Shot me trice with her mind
And I didn’t mind the gun

I stood up once with a lie
And after that it just hurt
I realized my soul was bind
Trust me, it wasn’t for the gun

And now that I am sure as hell to die
Looking at her from the cold earth
There’s no regret in neither heart nor mind
She’s just so beautiful with that gun

Monday, February 19, 2007

He did not flinch

He did not flinch
Not by an inch
In his eyes, pride
So much for a ride
He wasn’t great
Not even right
But I cannot hide
Without a lie
That he was grateful
And to himself faithful
He accepted the deed
Not rejecting what he did
And for all my despite
My awe shan’t have respite
Cause facing his doom
In that closed room
He did not flinch
Not by an inch

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The price of beauty

The train hums silently, and my spirit still cloudy with sleep, my limbs shivering, I contemplate…
Today, the countryside has put on an immaculate coat. And trees, skeletal giants with manifold blazing arms, stand proudly as departed that are asserting life again. Their solemn immutability under this scintillating white is a quiet anthem, unparalleled, to the quintessential paradox of the world.
The snow-covered landscape is so splendid that it speaks directly to my lonely heart. My tired eyes drink its poetry so that I forget about the corrosive cold which mistreats my bones. It’s the price to be paid for this vision, which is prosaically unique …